Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed by your debts, struggling to make ends meet, and living paycheck to paycheck? Do you dream of a life free from financial stress, where you can confidently plan for the future and achieve your goals? - This course will get you on the right track
  • Step-by-Step Guidance

    Navigate your financial journey with a clear roadmap. The content is simplified and explained in easy-to-digest videos.

  • Budgeting

    Learn how to create a budget that work for you.

  • Saving

    Strategies to bulk up your savings - including ideas for reducing expenses and boosting your income.

  • Debt Pay down

    Develop a personalized debt repayment plan and make progress on your debts.

  • Spreadsheets

    From expense trackers to budget templates to debt avalanche/snowball projection sheets!

  • Build Strong Financial Habits

    Establish a foundation and cultivate habits that lead to long-term financial success.

Course curriculum

    1. Your Mindset is Very Important

    2. Timeline

    3. Checklist

    1. 1-3 Month Expense Tracker

    2. All the Finance Trackers

    1. Financial Snapshot: Debt (+ How to Find Your Interest Rate)

    2. Financial Snapshot: Spending

    3. How to use the expense tracker

    4. Financial Snapshot: Net Worth + Investing

    5. How to use the net worth tracker

    6. Financial Snapshot: Year At a Glance

    1. Create a Rough Budget

    2. How to use the budget trackers

    3. Where Can You Cut/Reduce Spending?

    4. Watch This: If You Have Credit Card Debt

    5. Watch This: If You Have Medical Debt

    6. Other Areas to Save Money

    7. Choose a Debt Payoff Method

    1. How much in your starter emergency fund?

    2. Where to save your emergency fund

    1. Set Financial Goals

About this course

  • $149.00
  • 40 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content

Start your journey to financial freedom today


Leila Kartforosh

Financial Coach

Leila is passionate about finances and her mission is to help as many people on their journey to financial freedom. She paid down over $82,000 of debt in less than 5 years, while still saving and enjoying life. She has a gentle approach to coaching, and believes there should be a balance between making progress on your finances and spending on things that bring you joy.